

My need to be free is not being met.

Within a corner of a room, only a partial window to look out, and only a small space to call my own. It's challenging to get outside and not neglect other duties. Or is it?

That feeling tells me, "No. Don't go outside. Do your work." What is it protecting me from?

If I had to read into it, it's protecting me from being more effective. Because if I'm more effective at my work, I'll be on the hook. And if I'm on the hook, others will have an expectation that I may not be able to deliver on.

Oddly, that feeling protects me from the feeling that I need most - freedom.

What is your fear protecting you from? And, how much more effective would you be if you just faced your fear and took a step?

Talking it out.

Talking it out.

Give space and limit.

Give space and limit.