David Brady Helps

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Using what you have got.

You likely have leftovers in your refrigerator after hosting a party. For some, that might be the best part. Why?

Because you get to create!

Today I may attempt making a sourdough pizza with breast and stuff. I'll drizzle gravy over the top and on the crust, fermented honey. I'll then bake it on a pizza stone. Could it taste awful? Absolutely! But it might also taste amazing.

You get to be creative and innovative when you use what you have at your disposal. There's no trick to it. Just examine the bits and pieces and find ways to combine them. If you do enough mixing and matching, you'll develop a skill for it.

Sometimes people think that they're just not the creative type, but what actually is, they've not practiced making mistakes enough.

Try sourdough turkey pizza. If it fails, you just got a bit better at being creative.

That's a win.