What a 17th Century apple pie recipe taught me about life.

What a 17th Century apple pie recipe taught me about life.

In the 17th century, an apple pie consisted of nothing more than apples and a pie crust.

Depending on the sweetness of the apples, sugar might have been added.

Settles placed the assembled pie into an earthen oven to bake and used their senses to determine when baking finished.

What's most interesting to me is everything they did not have or use to create a pie - recipes, timers, YouTube video how-to’s, etc.

An apple pie - at its core - is nothing more than pie crust and apples.

Sometimes life is that simple.

What could be simpler for you?

Recipe for an apple pie

  • Make pie crust - flour, butter, egg, and some baking soda.

  • Add apples.

  • Bake at whatever temperature you’d like.

  • When it smells good - it’s ready.

When it rains it pours.

When it rains it pours.

Everything that you did.

Everything that you did.