David Brady Helps

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How to become more creative?

I believe anybody can be creative. Like learning an instrument, it requires practice and dedication. How to become more creative?  

Stop. Observe what you automatically do and think at that moment. Then ask why.  

You're at a stoplight, the car in front of you takes forever to turn - you get frusted. Why? Why did you get frustrated?  

Was it the car moving slowly? Was it thinking that the driver should be more decisive? Was it that you're running late?  

Why ask why?  

Because asking why makes you think about intent, and if you think about intent, you can then ask the most powerful question in creative thought - how.  

  • How could a driver feel more secure in deciding to turn right?

  • How could drivers make turns at faster speeds?

  • How can I get to where I need to go faster?

And if you ask how, you then get to ask - what if.  

The process of becoming creative is not for artists. It's for everyone - and it starts with stopping, listening, and being fearless enough to ask questions.