The essence.

The essence, the "what is it for?" question, the fundamental purpose will set you free.

Starting a new job? There's a lot to do right away. Instead of trying to "drink from the fire hose," why not ask - "what is this for?"

If the response, "it's for your onboarding," your next question should be, "right, what is the onboarding for?"

Being brought in on a creative project? "Who is this project for?" If the response, "it's for getting together and practicing some tunes," then you respond, "yes, and will learning these tunes help us understand who this work is for?"

If your parent asks you to sit nicely at the table and finish your food, "what is this food is for?" "If I sit nicely and finish all of the food, though I am not hungry, will I have a better understanding of what this food is for?"

The essence helps you identify the purpose of what you're doing in the simplest form. And with that identification, you can become more effective.

Don't be afraid to seek the essence first.

Did you make the right decision?

Did you make the right decision?

The challenges of being authentic.

The challenges of being authentic.