David Brady Helps

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... and another thing.

Once you choose what you get to do next year, make a contract with yourself to follow through and do it!

It's one thing to choose the path; it's quite another to walk it. And if you think that you need to be motivated to do it, I argue that motivation comes from action.

The act of doing motivates you to keep doing.

If you are an ambitious person, I challenge you to choose your path for next year now and start doing it now. And then doing it tomorrow. And then do it the day after tomorrow. And step by step, day by day, you'll start to see real progress.

What to choose? Choose to do something generous. Maybe write a book? Learn as much as you can about your health? Focus on mindfulness - learn to embrace and love yourself. Take a step towards speaking with a therapist to help you through challenging moments. Organize the basement. Whatever it is, make the choice and do the work.