David Brady Helps

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How to stay motivated when there is no finish line?

Are you in the right race?

Create sustainable fulfillment by being in the right race. Get out of the ones that don't enable you to do more of what makes you come alive - they're not for you. And you'll know which one is which by the journey.

One journey includes setbacks, self-reflection, generosity, frustration, delight, deep joy, questioning, and a resilient pursuit of something more. The other endeavor offers jealousy, resentment, the quest for status or wealth, and the feeling that you "deserve" something from someone.

If the latter sounds like you, it might be time to start looking elsewhere. You're in an opportunity that won't offer you sustainable fulfillment - you won't be happy in the long run. But if you’re in the former - stick with it!

When you’re doing what makes you come alive, there is not a finish line. The goal is to keep doing more of it. And when you’re gone, others will pick up the torch and carry your work onward for you. Will there be stops along the way? Absolutely - then you can make what you’re doing better.

Because making things better, doing more of the thing you need to do, and doing it generously for others is how we improve and create culture. That’s infinite work.

The goal is to stay in the game, do it again, and do it better.

How can you stay motivated to keep going?