Do you think we've considered this effect of COVID-19?

Do you think we've considered this effect of COVID-19?

Our world has become more and more distant. Before COVID-19, you'd be hard-pressed to get people to stop looking at their phones and make eye contact with you. Networking events felt more like speed dating than actual connection. Forget trying to get someone on a video call. Now, everything is different.

I'm not going to call this an "uncertain time." For me, it's not. I am certain. I believe my time is now, and that it requires me to be intentional with how and what I do. I also know that we are seeing something in each other that we haven't always seen before - safety.

Now, being "together is better" (HT to Simon Sinek). Even if it's a virtual happy hour, an isolated innovation challenge (HT to The Commons), or conversations that end with a heartfelt, "be healthy."

Now, we are seeking more ways to help one another. Kiley Peters led a great webinar about how organizations negatively impacted could quickly recover and start thinking about the long-term.

Now, we are seeing a redefining of our culture - people caring about people. That's not uncertain. Nor is it unusual. It’s natural, hopeful, and certain - It’s our “new normal”.

I'm choosing to embrace the new "new normal" and enjoy how our culture will change.

What will you do?

For the eclectics that just never "fit in".

For the eclectics that just never "fit in".

Who stole the Van Gogh piece from the Dutch museum?

Who stole the Van Gogh piece from the Dutch museum?