David Brady Helps

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On Pause.

What I loved most about the VCR was the pause button.

When you paused a movie, the screen would become a bit blurry and distorted. And, you couldn't leave the video paused forever. Eventually, it would play.

Welcome to Sunday, and here's a short thought about the state of "pause."

The origin of "pause" comes from Greek, "pausis" and it means stopping or ceasing.

Now, I think we use the word "pause" as a way to gently say "stop." but with a dash of uninspired hope. "Let's put a pause on that," is heard as "let's stop that for now, and maybe we'll pick it back up."

I believe we need to rip off the "pause" button and instead opt for "stop." Because pausing doesn't create closure. And we need more closure. Just ask anybody that's ever been in an unhealthy relationship.

Like the VCR, life gets blurry when we press "pause" because the tape is designed to move forward.