David Brady Helps

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What does Dalgona Coffee having anything to do with survival?

If you're at all interested in coffee, things you can do from home, or follow trends on social media, you've probably checked out "Dalgona Coffee."

The concept appears simple - whip coffee and sugar together into a froth and float over milk.  

With only a few household ingredients, you can create something that most readers haven't yet experienced.  
With only a few things around your house, you can innovate a new coffee drinking experience and share it with others.
Using the things around you, you can be creative.  

You can do something.

Yes, I know this is only coffee.  
But yes, I also know that for many of us, being able to do something new - right now especially - matters.  

Our survival is based on our ability to innovate and create.
Innovation is taking something and finding another way to use it.
Creation is making the thing that’s in your mind.

Even if it's coffee, sugar, and milk.