Thoughts on sunrises.

Thoughts on sunrises.

I love waking up early.

Typically, I'm up at 4:30 AM.

No, I' m not doing a "be like a Navy Seal and wake up at 5 AM with a cold shower."

I wake up early because no one is bothering me at that hour! In addition to my productivity, what I love about being up so early is to see the sunrise.

For me, a sunrise evokes hope, a promise, and it reminds me that I have an opportunity to do something today that matters. It also blurs my vision if I stare at it too long.

Stoic philosopher, Seneca, writes, "cease to hope...and you'll cease to fear." Seneca goes on, "...each alike belongs to a mind that is in suspense, that is fretted by looking forward to the future."

If you stare at the sun rising too long, your vision will be affected.
If all you do is focus on your destination, you'll never be present to see what's happening now.

Enjoy the sunrise, but please keep your vision.

Do you remember the moment you fell in love?

Do you remember the moment you fell in love?

The orchid is nature's great deceiver.  It's also rare.

The orchid is nature's great deceiver. It's also rare.