Why illogical thinking might lead to a better result.

Why illogical thinking might lead to a better result.

I know people who like to plan.  
They are ridiculously organized.
Before they take any steps, they want to see the plan written out.
The data matters to them - what are others doing? What's the best practice? What makes sense?

Do you know this type of person?

This is the type of person that needs to feel, be given, and give themselves safety at every corner. They seek out like-minded people because, in numbers, there's security.  

This is the kind of person that will read tons of books on tactics, consult with a mentor, discuss "best practices," and look for the cleanest path to do anything.

There's nothing wrong with this person.  
I was once that kind of person. I love people like that.

Having said that, I'm offering a different way to think - the illogical way.  

  • Want to try out a new idea? Do what other people refuse to do. Try it out. See what happens.  

  • Looking for an affordable place to live? Live where others don't want to live.  

  • Want to try being more productive? Do things that make you less productive and see how you feel.

Efficiency and effectiveness are not one and the same.

Flowers are not efficient - they put on elaborate displays of colors so that bees will come and pollinate.  

But, if you like honey, you could argue that flowers are quite effective.  

Next time you're faced with a problem, look for the solution that makes the least amount of sense.

It might just work.

You Need to Settle Down.

You Need to Settle Down.

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What do white coats, fancy yachts, and red pills have in common?