Gloomy and Gray Sky Days.

Gloomy and Gray Sky Days.

They suck!

End of blog.

Okay, no, really... they suck.

When you look outside and see the grey sky, it's easy to think, "well, what's the point?"

The plans you had to go out for a run - "Why bother?"
The meal you were going to grill - "Nah, I'll do it another day."
The golf game you've been hoping for - "I don't feel like it."
The list goes on.

You know what?

I find something interesting about grey skies.

Think about being on a plane that just took off from the airport.
As you climb, higher and higher, you'll eventually pass through the clouds.
And as you pass through the grey and gloomy clouds, you'll notice something,
The color of the sky.

What was it all along?

The Artisan Doer

The Artisan Doer

A Quick Question.

A Quick Question.