The most important lesson I learned last week.

The most important lesson I learned last week.

Viktor Frankl, the author of "Man's Search for Meaning," writes:

"If there is a meaning in life at all, then there must be a meaning in suffer. Suffering is an ineradictable part of life, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death human life cannot be complete."

Yesterday I posted about a tough day. But more, I posted about how graduation offered a new perspective.

The truth enabled me to see the "something better."

A few people reached out to me and asked, "are you okay?"

I am.

I am because I'm being truthful about life.
Because that truth became meaningful to me.
Because the meaning it gave me allows me to "do" life better.
Because doing life better is coming alive.

The most important lesson I've learned this week is to be authentic, even if it doesn't "look" good, because I am living life as it is for me.

And, that's beautiful.

P.S. to the ones who reached out - thank you for extending care. Yesterday’s entry is more about a way of thinking we can use to transcend the tough days.

A quick thought on Memorial Day.

A quick thought on Memorial Day.

Yesterday was tough.

Yesterday was tough.