Mission alignment and doing things with intention.

Mission alignment and doing things with intention.

When you do work, do you do it with intention?

  • Are you thinking about the long term impact of what you're doing?

  • Is what you're doing aligned with who you believe yourself to be?

  • Do you have an idea of an impact you hope to be achieved?  

The work we do in the service of others ought to be done with intention.  

We should believe that we're about to do will make an impact that matters to the people who care.

I'm writing this because I'm working on some small projects.
And, as I sit in meeting after meeting, I find myself reflecting - 

"Is what I am doing now, this thing, is this what I am supposed to do for the people I am for?"

What matters to you?

What matters to you?

Help people to help them.

Help people to help them.