David Brady Helps

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What matters to you?

  • What if we stopped asking ourselves, “what's my dream job?”

  • What if we stopped judging ourselves by what degree we have or don't have?

  • What if the life we’re making now didn't need to look like the our parents think we should have?

  • What if work was about doing something that mattered to us?

Do you know what it means to do work that matters?

If you don't, then consider the below questions.

  • Who are the people I am meant to help?

  • What’s the problem they need solved?

  • Is the solution something I'm passionate about?

  • Will my work make a difference?

Honestly, there are so many more questions… so many.

I wish more of us would ask ourselves these questions. Why?

Because when we know what matters to us, we know how and where to invest our time.

What matters to you?

Photo credit: Jen Theodore