Thoughts on melted ice cream.

Thoughts on melted ice cream.

Interesting thoughts today.

Nobody likes melted ice cream.
And, everybody loves choice.

DoorDash allows you to order food from any vendor you wish and,
Dutiful Dashers deliver their orders.

Seems simple, right?

But, DoorDash doesn’t say - “Hey David, you’re ordering ice cream from a place that’s 20 minutes from your home. It might be melted by the time it reaches you. How about try these options instead?”

The problem is, that’s not how the system works.

For the system to work, orders are placed based on a customer’s selection and the orders are delivered.
The system trusts that a customer has enrolled themselves into the process enough to pay attention to the distance.

If you’re building an experience for someone else, a platform, a business, a service, a dinner, a party, or literally anything that involves another human being part of something you’ve orchestrated - consider their experience.


Because, nobody likes melted ice cream.
Because, nobody likes to do extra work.

Because, we want our cake and we want to eat it, too.

But, what is it for?

But, what is it for?

A letter to my Dad.

A letter to my Dad.