There's something interesting about lenses.

There's something interesting about lenses.

They're invisible.

A few days ago, I wrote about how glasses create clarity.

"But, put on a pair of glasses, and those problems become solutions.
The metaphorical glasses I'm referencing are the mindset of possibility.
When you adopt the posture of possibility, the path to a solution becomes clear."

Here's what's interesting to me, the lenses that we use to create clarity are invisible to us - you don't know they're there, but they are.

Be aware that you might be seeing the world through a lens of limitation, frustration, and resentment.

Take off those glasses - you don't need them.

Put on something that will help you see things for what they are, find clarity, and come alive.

HT to Gib Gerard, Rob Scott and the Intelligence for Your Life Podcast for offering the idea that lenses are invisible.

Jonas Salk said it best.

Jonas Salk said it best.

What do you mean when you say, “doing something for someone” with our art?

What do you mean when you say, “doing something for someone” with our art?