David Brady Helps

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Jonas Salk said it best.

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."

Jonas is best known for creating the Polio vaccine. You can read more about him via Wikipedia. This post isn't about Jonas, though he has quite an interesting background, it's about his quote as he received the Congressional Medal for Distinguished Civilian Achievement.

The artist's reward, and you've heard me talk about this often, is not to fame or fortune. It's also not about creating a body of work comprised of their own statements.

It's about receiving the opportunity to do more.

  • If you write music for others, your reward is being invited to write more music.

  • If you recruit others for an employer, your reward is recruiting more people.

  • If you develop code for software, your reward is creating more code.

  • If you are a raiser of children, your reward is that you get to raise your children again the following day.

And every time you get to do more of what you love doing, you receive an opportunity to do it better.

The ability to do more of the things that make you come alive is, to my mind, the greatest reward. Why?

Because that's where change happens.  

If you do more, you create change, creating change is a gift for others, gifts create meaningful and positive change.  And,

That's creating culture.