David Brady Helps

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Searching for inspiration.

Today, I'm hitting a writer's block. A term I hate because I don't think "writer's block" actually exists. We don't have "speaker's block" do we?

The challenge is that I've been searching for what to write for you.  

Personally, I'm in a privileged position. I'm engaged in generous work with Colorful Connections, a diversity, equity, and inclusion head-hunting/consulting firm. And I've no shortage of things to read and think about.  

Yet, here I am with a block. At least, that's how it seems.

It's making me think, "what is a block for?"

A block is for care.  

I am blocked right now because I care. I care deeply about the words I put out to you. Sure, my grammar could use some work from time-to-time, but I am intentional with what I write about.  

A block is also for stillness.

In the United States, culturally, silence is not always a great thing. Whereas other cultures might do well with stillness, we're not great about here in the USA. That might be to our advantage, as well as our disadvantage.  

If you want a good scrabble word, you could say that the block is for “equanimity.”


The next time you're blocked, think about what that block is trying to show you.
Why is it there?
What is it for?  

To the people I know who often say, “I’ve hit a brick wall,” this post is for you.