Shipping work.

Shipping work.

I've been thinking about work lately.  

  • How will I know whether or not I was productive today? 

  • Did it make a difference to the people who care?  

  • What do I get to do tomorrow?

To answer these questions, I started asking myself these three questions:

  • What will I ship today?

  • Who will I ship it to?

  • Do they care about what I'm shipping them? 

Why am I using the word "shipping?"

It merely means to transport, convey, move, deliver, distribute, or post.  

  • This blog post is shipped to you via email;

  • A candidate is shipped to a hiring manager via a presentation;

  • A designer ships their idea via a pitch; 

  • Musicians ship their music via their concerts/streams;

  • Develops ship their work by producing code; and

  • The list goes on!

The idea is not to ship only your best work. If so, you'd never receive this blog.  

The idea is to ship work you're proud of, and often.  

Because the people who care about what you do, want to receive your gift.  

Uuuuuuuuuuugh!  It was cancelled.

Uuuuuuuuuuugh! It was cancelled.

Being curious, and holding space for learning.

Being curious, and holding space for learning.