David Brady Helps

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Uuuuuuuuuuugh! It was cancelled.

I had a gig today, but it was canceled due to the rain.  

We've been in the thick of cancel culture for a while.  

  • The weather isn't right, we cancel.

  • Being too close could spread a virus, we cancel.  

  • An actor's sordid past is revealed, they're canceled from the show.

My tone might suggest that I'm not a fan of "cancellations."  

Truthfully, If cancellations were to frustrate me, I'd be in the wrong industry. Candidates cancel interviews, gigs get postponed all the time.  

Through the years, I've learned that cancellations are simply re-directions. "This didn't work, now it's time for something completely different."  

The challenge for us is that we never wanted the "something completely different," we wanted the thing that got canceled. Now we don't have it. And now we're upset.  

"Now it's time for something completely different" is the invitation to adopt a posture of possibility. To say, "How fascinating?!" and open yourself up to something new.  

Next time you need to cancel, before acknowledging the bummer, try giving way to the possibilities that it might open up to you first.  

"And now, time for something completely different."