Bees do it and so do educated flees.  Why not you?

Bees do it and so do educated flees. Why not you?

The garden at the back of my home produces tomatoes, pattypan squashes, cucumbers, tomatillos, kale, and wax beans. Though we started late, the garden became exceptionally productive. While I would like to say that my green thumb made this happen, I believe another actor deserves the credit.

Almost as if they punch a clock, every morning early, fleets of bees work the garden. Busy collecting nectar, depositing pollen, and enjoying a symbiotic relationship. Their work enables the plant to create a fruit or legume, which becomes our food. They work every day for as long as they can until they can't.

Approaching life likes bees means getting up and doing the work you're meant to do. That work might involve self-care, being generous with your time to help others, or producing something meaningful - work that matters. That work we do will produce fruit.   

  • Self-care produces health and wellness.  

  • Helping others creates effective relationships.  

  • Doing works that matter builds self-efficacy.

If the birds, bees, and flees can do it, so can we.  

Approaching the weekend like the bees.

Approaching the weekend like the bees.

The problem with teams.

The problem with teams.