It's all an experiment.

It's all an experiment.

What if every decision we ever made was really just one small test that's part of a larger experiment? And how might we use that question to approach life better?

I recently learned that I become hyper-focused. I probably already knew this, but I accepted it about myself earlier this week. When I become extreme in my focus, I lose sight of my other work. I asked myself a few questions to help me focus but not lose sight of work:

  • Why does increasing my focus in one area cause me to fail in others?

  • What if I could what I learn from overextending myself and revise that approach? How might I do that?

  • And, in this failure, what did I do right?

Think back to your last "bad decision," and revisit that decision through the curious lens of the questions I wrote down.  

What did you discover?

Flipping Burgers for a Living.

Flipping Burgers for a Living.

The big struggle.

The big struggle.