David Brady Helps

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What do you consume?

It can be said, "you are what you eat."  

If that's the case, why do we consume so much junk?  

And forget food for a minute. What if "junk" also meant negative news, hype (of any kind), rumor, or assumption?  

Earlier this year, I gave up social media and the news.  

I discovered that much of what's happened to us, as a people, has happened before. We're not alone on this journey; others came before us. So, why not learn from them?  

The books I am choosing to consume are not the only ones out there. By no means do I believe my learning is complete. But, I feel cautiously optimistic that what I am learning enables me to take my next step with confidence and contentment.  

What do you consume? And, does what you consume enable a confident and content next step?