What are you unwilling to face?

Remember the elephant from yesterday?

Have you ever experienced what happens when we don't address the elephant? When we don't name our fears?

For me, and for others I have observed (perhaps you have to), the emotion we most often show is anger.

We get angry that nobody is talking about the thing.
Angry that we're not dealing with the actual problem.
Angry that we're not listening to each other.
Angry that you are not listening to yourself.
Angry that you might not live up.

Anger is the emotion we experience when we are unwilling to fully embrace our fears as if it were an old friend, to dance with it, and make it a partner in our art.

Why be angry when you can face the fear head on?

What are you unwilling to face?

If you want to feel more confidence, decide more things.

The elephant and the room.