David Brady Helps

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How a single leaf can teach you about what's next.

Years ago, there was a time when I was in Door County, Wisconsin. I was in forest biking on a trail. The forest canopy was dense; light got through, but just enough.

As I was riding, I noticed an area where light seemed to penetrate the canopy. Like that scene in a movie where a beam of light breaks through the trees as if to shine upon Excalibur.

I parked the bike, and walked towards the light (he writes with a sarcastic grin).

As I approached the "clearing" (let's call it a clearing), I noticed a single leaf fall from a tree.

Drained of life, effortless in its fall, peaceful, and intentional.

The leaf met the ground as your head meets the softest and most comfortable pillow.

Soon the leaf will biodegrade and life moves on.

Dark thought for the day?

Perhaps. But, I believe there to be a beauty in death.

All things, no matter what they are - projects, people, jobs, food, gigs, tooth extractions, cars, leases, mortgages, debt (hopefully), school (thankfully) and the other things come to an end. And it's in that end that we get to graduate to what's next - the next piece of work we get to do.

After taking in that moment with the leaf, I noticed myself taking the most relaxing of breaths. I looked at the bike, mounted, and started to peddle.