Don't miss the opportunity to be generous.

Don't miss the opportunity to be generous.

There will be moments when you can generously contribute to a conversation. When you could have asked the question that moves the conversation forward.

But, if you're like me from the other day, you won't take the chance to step up and be generous with your insight. You'll pass.

You'll pass because you might be thinking about what the others will think of your question.

You'll pass because what if your question totally derails the conversation.

You'll pass because people have said you're too aggressive and you should listen more.

You'll pass because you've been told your voice doesn't matter. You don't know enough.

You'll pass because you're afraid.

But what you miss is that others are probably wondering the same thing as you. And you'll miss that they are looking for someone - like you - to step up and be generous.

When the opportunity to be generous presents itself - seize it.

Feeling special.

Feeling special.

Listen to the audience.

Listen to the audience.