David Brady Helps

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Feeling special.

Do you frequent a local coffee shop enough that the barista knows your name? Perhaps they know your order?

Azure and Sierra at the Stonecreek Coffee on Bluemound Road not only know my name, my order, and approximately when I'll arrive on Saturday. They greet me by name when I enter and wave goodbye as I leave. Azure and Sierra treat the customers before and after me the same way. I imagine those customers feel as I feel - special.

But what is it about this type of treatment that gets customers feeling so good? Is it just remembering a name? Is it knowing what you want before you want it? Sure. But I think Azure and Sierra's secret ingredient is something you can do every day - if you choose.

They care.

They care about the work they do - they're the kind of people who enjoy making things for people who care about good craft.

They care about the people they serve - people who appreciate craft products and services.

Because they care, I, and customers like me, are treated to a unique form of service. The type of service we come to expect from only the finest of establishments. But instead rendered at a neighborhood coffee shop.

Helping others, and yourself, feel special starts with one word and one action - care.