David Brady Helps

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Why you shouldn't protect your work.

Musicians are the world's greatest thieves. They hear the work of others, steal it, make it better, and ship it out to their audiences. And none of that is wrong.

Art gets better because artists steal. They take another person's idea, hold it in their hands, and say, "How can I make this better?" Art gets better because artists make better.

A new parent steals from their parent. They remember traditions and parenting methods and carry them forward to their children. Except we don't call that theft.

Should our work be any different?

Why hold on to your best ideas? Are you afraid someone might steal your work and make it theirs? Will that be the only brilliant idea you have in your life?

The world of art is the world of making better. Your work can be art. But for that to happen, you need to ship it. You need to put it out into the world and say, "I made this. How might we make better?"

Winning is not holding back. Winning is the joy that comes when you generously embrace vulnerability, show up for someone else, and have them show up for you.

Work is art.

And like all art, it takes work.