David Brady Helps

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Is the future our business?

"What business of mine is the future? There will be other crises in the time to come.... let my successors solve those new problems as I have solved the one of today." - Hober Mallow.

Today I completed Isaac Asimov's, "Foundation." If you're a science fiction, sociology, or geopolitical fan, that book might be for you. The story ends with the quote you read above. What I love about that quote is the thought it offers us. What business of ours is the future?


To understand what I mean, consider the quote this way:

The problems that are in front of me now are solved by Today David. What business does Today David have in the future? There will be other problems in time to come, let Future David solve those problems as Today David solved the problems of today.

Does Today You need to solve the problems that Future You gets to solve?