David Brady Helps

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Are people really straightforward with themselves?

If we're being honest, are you really honest with yourself?

Think about all the ways that we are potentially not honest with ourselves:

  • That someone's words or actions hurt us. Words can't harm us, it's in our perception that harm exists. Words are simply air passing through the reed that is our vocal chord. Words are neither good nor bad.

  • That we are better (or worse) than we are. Do we really know what's best for others? Are you really worse off than you thought? Who are you comparing yourself to, and are they playing the same game as you? What are you so afraid of?

  • That today is going to suck. Says who? You get to decide how today will go by your decisions now.

  • That others hate/dislike you. They might, but that's their problem with you, not your problem. They also might not - in fact, they might not even care enough about you to hate you. Why are you so special?

I might be picking on small self-talk, but that self-talk adds up. But, if anybody spoke to you the way that you speak to yourself, you wouldn't be their friend.

Be in pursuit of the truth - the absolute and emotionless truth.

If you can do that, you change your self-talk, you walk with equanimity, you become honest with yourself.