Better escapism with an ancient 3-step process as told by dead smart guy.

Imagine that you're reading this blog and that you also have a laundry list of tasks, priorities, issues, concerns, risks, people, organizations, fundraisers, parties (virtual ones too), meetings, 1 on 1s, presentations, sales, gigs, or recording sessions to design, prepare, meet on, plan, attend, care for, reflect on, or worry about.

Now that you're imaging that... imagine yourself just wanting to get away from it all. What does that look like? Is it a vacation? A week off? Some time for yourself somewhere other than here?

What if time for yourself could happen at any time, anywhere, even right here and right now? And if you can say "okay" to that, consider this dead smart guy's 3-step approach to having that "time for yourself."

Go to a place where you can sit, exist, and focus on your breathing, then ask yourself:

  1. Am I able to be myself and be honest - be straightforward - now and after I'm done with this? No? Remain with #1 until you can. Yes? Go to #2.

  2. Is what is bothering me actually (read: literally) physically hurting me? Yes? Call 911 now. No? Go to #3.

  3. What is bothering me is not physically hurting me, therefore what it is bothering me is a perception. Can I accept that I am in a small place that exists upon a huge planet which is in an even huger universe and that at any time it all could go away? Yes? You're ready. Stop and return to the world. No? You didn't answer #1 honestly - go back and this time be honest with yourself.

Pro tip

  • Nobody is trying to do the wrong thing.

  • Doing the right thing demands patience.

  • Keep your mouth shut - you had your moment with yourself - you escaped - now it's time to move on. (Literally the best piece of advice I have ever received and don't follow enough... ask anybody that knows me.)

Many thanks to dead smart guy, Marcus Aurelius, for the 3-steps and the bonus reminders ;-)

The outline helped.

How to crush obstacles and be productive like jazz musicians.