Did I sleep better after outlining the problem?

Yes! Yes I did.
In fact I had great sleep!

Creating an outline of what I was fearing allowed me to shine a light on the proverbial monster in my closet - it made the monster real. Then, because it was real I could deal with it. How did I deal with it?

First, I understood the short and long-term implications of my decisions and decided I could accept them.

Second, I wrote about it to you. Writing helped. The physical and mental activity of writing is almost like my body's way of using the energy - doing something with it.

Third, I went to bed. But when my mind started to think about the problem, I opened my journal and wrote out my thoughts. Eventually, I drained my brain of thoughts to write about. When my brain was drained of thoughts to physicalize, I fell asleep. That process might have kept me up an additional 20 minutes more than normal.

Today, I woke up feeling pretty dang good! So much so that I wanted to write you about this topic rather than other ideas I have brewing in the ol'noggin.

I hope it helps.

That moment when.

The outline helped.