"Today's youth is rotten, evil, godless, and lazy..."

Robert Greene, in The Laws of Human Nature references a quote from a Babylonian clay table that reads: “Today’s youth is rotten, evil, godless, and lazy. It will never be what youth used to be, and it will never be able to preserve our culture.”

Nearly 1000 years later, Aristotle would say (in Rhetoric), “[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.”

And then a few thousand laters, Disney would add their thoughts by way of the movie, Up.

All of this to say - history rhymes.

Try not to get caught up in 24/7 news cycle. Take several thousand steps back, reflect on where we are, and tell yourself, “we’ve been here before, and it will be okay.”

Carl Fredricksen is likely going to be me a few years from now ;-)

You are a slave to what you avoid.

Do hard things.