Your hindsight of future self.
“Let the hindsight of your future self be the foresight of today’s self.” - Shane Parrish TKP episode 37
I was listening Shane Parrish interview Annie Duke on the The Knowledge Project the other day. During the interview, Shane summarized a point Annie made, and the summary was too good not to write down and share with you.
In December, of I don’t know what year, I blogged about “Future You” which was inspired by Annie Duke’s book, Thinking in Bets, and I wish I heard this podcast at the time I was reading the book. What I love about Shane’s summary is the practicality. Imagine this.
You are confronted with a decision and imagining how it might end.
You project yourself into the future, imagining you made the decision and you’re experiencing that “hindsight is 20/20 phenomenon.”
You take advantage of that phenomenon and you identify, “what is the that perfect 20/20 hindsight? Instead of doing what I did, what do I wish that I did?”
Take your answers to the “hindsight 20/20” question and bring them to present you.
Make that your go-forward plan!
Celebrate because you’re winning at making decisions.
I wish heuristics was a class I took at all levels of my education. Imagine how many decisions could have been improved through a decades-long study in decision making and bias?
What friends to make?
Who to date?
What classes to take?
What college do I go to?
What do I major in?
Do I take a student loan or not?
Do I postpone college?
What if I took out a credit card?
I could go on.
Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.