Creativity is not madness.

All of the great artists in this world were disciplined, methodical, and demonstrated an emotional resiliency to life and their work.

The more and more I think about what makes creative people so creative, the more and more I think that creatives are in fact scientists of a different form.

The creative process begins with a question or an idea, the artist transmutes the idea into something real, and that something real evokes an emotional response from the receiver. The scientific process is strikingly similar. Modern day alchemy.

You are a creative.

You have ideas, you transmute your ideas into action, and you pivot and iterate based on feedback you receive from the person who received your idea. You are a form of alchemist.

You don’t get better by having better ideas, you get better through discipline, methodical practice, and emotional resiliency.

Can you write your way out of depression?

Do you need more mana?