David Brady Helps

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I'm not 25 anymore.

I finished a gig at 1am and headed to a hotel, arrived at 3am. The next day I had to wake up at 6am for an 8am church gig. Is that scenario similar to any other professional musician? Probably. Is it similar to you? Likely.

The lesson I learned is that I pushed too hard. I gave 110% of my efforts during the night show, slept only a few hours, and then gave 110% of my effort at the church gig. I’m spent, exhausted, and running on adrenaline. How did I do this when I was in my 20s?

Have you learned this lesson before?

How often are you going from one thing to the next, staring at a screen, working ridiculously hard, and not sleeping enough?

Our younger versions were foolish - that’s my opinion.

I’m going to try not to push it so hard.

Life is a marathon, not a race.