Higher not Lower.

There are lots of texts that recommend people do things higher.

  • The Bible, Colossians 3:2 "set your mind on things above”

  • The Prince - Machiavelli, “aim higher;”

  • 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene, “get elevation;”

  • Jackie Wilson, “your love keeps lifting me higher.”

Higher, the way I think of it, means perspective. It means rising above the forest canopy to see the lay of the land. It means stepping away from the grind to look up and ask - “Am I doing the right thing? Am I going the right way?”

Higher means getting out of my head. Realizing that the conversations and wars going on inside my mind take me away from being present. I should let life get ahead of me so that I can see what’s coming and be prepared.

Higher calls to mind the spiritual forcing me to take pause and reflect on my values and how I live them.

Higher is strategy - and strategy is simply your plan to reach your goals.

If you want to reach physical, spiritual, monetary, personal, relationship, or literally any type of goal you must be able to stop and think higher.

Once you know where you’re headed and why, then come down and do your work.

Interviews and thoughts.

You really don't want praise.