Who's walking who?

On Saturdays I drive to the grocery store. On my way, I always see people walking their dogs. Or, is there dog walking them?

Picture a dog. Happy, panting, checking out fire hydrants, excited about a new smell. Oh look! The dog discovered something, it’s tail wagging furiously, it looks up at the owner with that huge dog smile as if to say, “hey hey hey! look at what I found!!!” And there’s the attentive owner. Standing tall, leash in hand, looking down towards the ground, and focused.

Many people have become so addicted to their phones that they miss out on what’s happening around them. Missing out on things like the excitement their dogs have discovering new smells.

I often wonder if the dogs realize that we’re getting lazy.

I wonder if they are walking us.

Woof, woof.

Deciding not to play.
