David Brady Helps

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The one external thing that can control you... it's not fear.

Iatrogenesis: brought forth by a healer.

When this term was used, back in Greek antiquity, the term could have meant a good or bad effect brought forth by a healer. In our time, the term refers to negative consequences (illness or death) brought forth by a medical treatment. Why does this matter?

We humans create innovations to heal our problems.

  • The fermenting of grains into a beverage was originally an innovation to preserve grains and extract their minerals at a time when people risked malnutrition.

  • Social media was meant for students across college campuses to interact with each other.

  • Phones were a way to communicate in relative real time across long distances.

  • The news communicated happenings and not (as much) opinion.

  • Some believe even organized religion was a cultural innovation to increase cooperation.

  • The list goes on.

Our species’ effects at bringing forth cultural innovations to solve important problems, in some cases, has had the second and third order effect of creating vices and addictions. I’m sure you know people who need to watch the 24/7 cable news cycle - it’s like a compulsion.

The one external force that can control us ends up being the thing that we create.

… until the aliens come.