David Brady Helps

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The clutter and the focus.

"If the world will not go away, then the great discipline seems to be the ability to make an identity that can live in the midst of everything without feeling beset.

Being besieged asks us to begin the day not with a to-do list, but a not-to-do list." - David Whyte, Consolations.

You can't get rid of the noise of the world - the whirlwind. It's always there, vying - no - fighting for your attention. It's so hard to give claim your life back. But you can. Through a question.

A well placed and well thought question is like a record ripping away from the needle. It stops everything in its track.

Then, almost as if we were in a Matrix'esque time-standing-still moment, you get to decide where to go next. Do I stay on this path? Do I go to another? Do I stop? Do I listen? Who am I supposed to be serving? Am I serving them?

What are you not doing today?