David Brady Helps

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Truth and Fear - Better Together.

Imagine two people who have been best friends their entire lives - Truth and Fear. They grew up together, sometimes separate, and always come back together as two people who are so glad they have each other in their life. I want to be friends with them. But Fear gets in the way... Fear is hyper-jealous.

Fear keeps us from knowing Truth. Whatever Fear can do to keep us from getting closer, it will. Fear will tell us that Truth is out to get us, that we don't deserve Truth as a friend, and it will question us - "Who are you to know someone so good as Truth? You're an impostor."

Truth, on the other hand wants to be known. Truth is happy to know you, and show you things that you can't un-see once you'seen them. But that's exactly the problem... you can't un-see what you have seen. And now that you've seen how the "sausage is made," Truth gives you a choice - do something with it, or ignore it.

The way I deal with these two is I embrace both.

Fear and I are dance partners. I know it's only trying to protect me from Truth. It's trying to help me stay in a comfortable existence. It's trying to keep me from disappointment. I appreciate Fear's good intentions, though it's ruinously sympathetic. Instead, I see past it. I look to see what Fear is keeping me from and I advance towards it.

Truth is like a therapist. Truth reflects back my life to me in an unvarnished way and asks, "What are you going to do now that you have seen what you have seen?"

Fear shows you (in its own way) how you might be more fully you, and Truth creates the friction necessary to decide and act.

Both are good friends alone, but are better together.