David Brady Helps

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Why hold back?

If what you have to say hurts, judges, falsely places blame, or does anything to harm the spirit of another, keep it to yourself. Correct them, sure. But don't harm.

But... if what you have to say doesn't fall into that camp, why hold back?

Why hold back on the truth?

This has been a week of asserting truths and stepping into the unknowns for me. What I have learned is that people can accept truths, even hard ones, when they're delivered in an earnest and honest way.

In fact... I have learned that people crave the truth.

Because truth creates our reality - it gives us the lines to color in. Without the truth, there are no lines. People want the lines.

If you're manager, why hold back?
If you're a friend, why hold back?
If you're an entrepreneur, why hold back?
If you're a child, why hold back?
If you're a student, why hold back?

Help people by showing them the lines to color in - help them be artists.
Don't hold back.