David Brady Helps

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Do you think you're special?

"Why get angry at the world? As if the world would notice." - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.

When you go into the restaurant and they're packed. The wait staff invites you to sit in the back room, they forget to bring you menus, they don't bring you water, and they obviously don't care about taking your order. You are hungry, you have a need, and they forgot about you - you are nothing.

That's one way to see the situation. The other is:

You walk into a packed restaurant. The wait staff invites you to sit in the back room - because that's where there is space. They are understaffed, and because of that, it is taking them some time to get to your table and not seem rushed - they want you to feel like they care about giving you good service. They bring you water, they know you've been doing your best to be patient, you are likely hungry, and they want to get you food as fast as possible... they are hoping you are ready to order.

Both scenarios could be true at the same time.
How will we respond when server finally arrives to take our order?

We, ourselves, are not that special.
But, we can help others to feel special if we choose.