David Brady Helps

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You're going to get yourself in trouble doing this..

But try it anyways.

When you start a new job and your supervisor is showing you how to do something ask: "Why do we do it this way? What is this task for? Who is it for? Does doing this task help us understand what and who this task is for?"

If you ask these questions with a generous heart, you will stop people in their tracks - they'll have to think.

In fact they will get so frustrated that they might ask you to stop asking so many questions. Your supervisor might say, "you ask too many questions, we just do it this way." And what if you accepted that response?

Structures that have top-down autocratic style operations reward compliance. The questions above are not for compliance. They are for understanding the first principles of tasks, a job, and for ultimately identifying who we are serving and why they care.

You don't need to be a revolutionary to make change happen.

You can be quiet, introverted, and genuinely curious.

Because you care.