The center of the storm - the great calm of being a Music Director

The Music Director (MD) of a theater show is at the center of the noise - lots of noise.

All at the same time, a MD is:

  • Watching the stage;

  • Cue'ing singers to make their entrance;

  • Cutting off choruses;

  • Listening for balance;

  • Cue'ing musicians to enter;

  • Cutting musicians off;

  • Maintaining balance across the orchestra/band;

  • Playing their own part;

  • Listening for cues to start the next song,

  • Listening for cues to finish the vamp;

  • Making notes for future shows;

  • Wondering if the sub that's playing the keyboard 2 book ever took a lesson;

  • Thinking who will play the keyboard 2 book after they fire the sub; and

  • Not saying a word.

The MD stays at the center of it all.
She never gets too far ahead.
She stays present, calm, and still.
Waiting for the next cue.

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