Solving with absurdity.

What if my customer's problem was solved in a song?

  • What if I could make the relationship better by bungee jumping?

  • What if the song that I'm writing was in a completely different style of music that my audience would hate?

  • What if instead of looking for a job, I looked for clients?

  • What if of instead of punishing my employee for not achieving results I rewarded them for owning their accountability?

  • What if 1+1=500?

Crazy? Absurdist? A waste of time? Just silly?

Yes. Probably and possibly.

But, they're also powerful and interestingly productive.

I'm doing a practice of giving myself 30-45 minutes every day, in the middle of the day, to walk around a park and do nothing but think.

When I think, I'm thinking about a question. A What If question.

  • What If I could recruit without talking to candidates?

  • What if my clients had a DEI initiative that didn't involve DEI?

  • What if bars weren't hiring a band, but buying an experience?

  • What if a demo video didn't show the band, but it showed the bar owner talking about how much the band made them?

Even though the answers to my literal questions may not be possible, I end my walk with more actionable ideas for stepping closer to my goal - being more effective.

Just another friendly reminder to take a moment, smell the roses, and be silly. It pays off.

Aim higher and fail faster.

You are an artist.