The Heart of a Question

A strategic question - that question get people to think without feeling judged - is where past, present, and future intersect. It's the convening of what was, what is, and possibility.

  • What could we do better?

  • Why, exactly, do I feel as if we're not getting along?

  • Why do you want to change that?

  • How would you explain the condition of your book of business to our CEO?

  • What are you committing yourself to work on this coming week?

  • How might we, as a family, better serve our community?

Tough questions? Yes. But they don't judge.

The heart of the question is in its openness, curiosity, honesty, and a slight desire to be provocative.

What are the odds that I'm wrong?

The Clocky - perhaps my birthday present to myself.

What is truly worth doing?