The problem with putting your ideas out there...

"The important thing about telling everyone your idea is that it puts you on the hook for following through, because you're going to look foolish if you do nothing." - Sam Pott

At a point in life I wanted to be an architect - I was beyond fascinated with Frank Lloyd Wright.

I would ask my parents for a sketch pad and colored pencils and create drawings and landscapes for “future” homes.

I can vividly recall a time when I shared an idea with my mom. It went something like this:

  • Me: “Mommy, looks at this cool idea for a house!”

  • Mom: “Nice. How are you going to run power? How are you going to do the plumbing? How will the doors open?”

Putting your ideas out there is the surest way to find what works and what doesn’t, and a good “How” question bridges the gap between idea and reality.

If there is a problem with putting your ideas out there, it won’t be in the response from others. The problem will lie within you - and your ability to allow yourself to be put on the hook.

Don’t shy away from that feeling; advance!

What Beginning Requires

Diversity and the bravery of the sand box.